

The team at business.govt.nz have recently sent out their May newsletter.  You’ll find the following interesting articles:-

  • Big businesses commit to help small businesses get digital:- Big business and organisations have banded together to help small businesses across the country boost their digital skills, with free, subsidised or discounted training, support, products, services and research.
  • Free in-person digital workshops – Find free, in-person workshops in your region, with digital experts who will teach you things like: becoming more profitable through digital, why you should (or shouldn’t) invest in digital infrastructure and the benefits of moving any part of your business online.
  • Need support? Get in touch –  If you need a bit of extra help, the Digital Boost support team are available from 8am – 7pm, seven days a week, to guide you through your digital journey.

Please take the time to read the full newsletter here

If there is anything you would like to discuss further, do not hesitate to call us on 09-636-3332!