If you are self employed, please read the following ACC update:-
CoverPlus Extra
CoverPlus Extra (CPX) invoices are currently being sent out to customers.
What you need to know:-
- Invoicing started April 1st and will continue right through to April 30th. If you haven’t received an expected invoice by May 1st, please let ACC know:- CPX@acc.co.nz
- As this product has a strict cancellation policy ACC will be sending text and email prompts to customers who haven’t paid or set up a payment plan just before their due date. Please update your information to include an email address and mobile phone number otherwise you may not receive a reminder. Reminders will not be sent by mail.
- Payment plans can be set up through MyACC for Business or by giving ACC a call on 0800 227 776 once the invoice has been received.
- For new customers please use the online CPX application form here.
What you need to do:-
- It’s very important payment is made by the due date on CPX invoices to avoid your policy being cancelled. Cancellation will result in reverting to a standard CoverPlus policy.
Self-employed invoice changes (those customers not on CPX)
One of the outcomes of last year’s levy consultation was the decision to change the way ACC invoice self-employed customers. From 1 April 2019, they will now be invoicing customers based on their actual income at the end of each year, rather than invoicing them in advance based on last year’s earnings.
What you need to know:-
- Most self-employed customers will not receive an invoice this year, as levies for the 2019/2020 year were already paid in advance.
- The next self-employed invoices will be sent in 2020 once we’ve received the 2019/2020 year earnings (approx. June-August 2020).
- These invoices will be calculated using the year’s actual earnings filed from Inland Revenue.
What you need to do:-
- Nothing, unless you are no longer in business. If you have ceased trading in the last year let ACC know as you may be due a refund.
If you have any questions about the above information, please contact us on 09 636 3332.